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Clean Water South America

Project #1
July 2019
Cachipay, Colombia


The Problem

Water streams such as local creeks and rivers in the rural towns of South America typically have a high bacterial count. These water streams are regularly contaminated with sewage water, which has has led to an increase in bacterial diseases such as diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and abdominal cramps affecting the overall health and performance of the local residents.



Cachipay is a rural town in Colombia located 2 hours away from the capital city Bogota.  Cachipay has a population of 10,000 people and its economy is based entirely on agriculture. Schools in this community are spread out to cover most of the population and sometimes, the schools are located in areas that are not easily accessible.  Droplet is currently focused on doing projects in schools.


Pilot Location

Cachipay Photo.png

San Rafael School

Cachipay, Colombia

Project Impact


2 Schools


600 Children


Project Team


Nico Ferrya

Project Director


Julio Izquierdo

Project Leader


Praneeth Goli

Project Leader