

Do you like to give back to the community, or like to help others make their live better. Then consider volunteering with Droplet !!


Become a Volunteer!

By joining Droplet Water Project as a Volunteer, you become an advocate for those children and families who lack one of the most basic rights- access to clean drinking water!

Volunteers Help By:

  • Raising crucial money for projects!

  • Creating and managing a unique fundraiser

  • Spreading awareness throughout the community

  • Promoting and contributing to our social media platforms

  • Inspiring others in the world to fight for change

Why Volunteer?

  • Help us spread awareness of our mission and vision so that one day the water crisis will be an issue of the past!

  • Don’t have enough time to dedicate to another position? This is the perfect opportunity to help the organization in a BIG way with time constraints. You’ll have an entire year to complete Volunteer tasks!

  • You’ll get the best of both worlds- have specific and tangible goals as well as various opportunities to use your creativity and flair to help make a difference in the community!

Want to join the family? Click the link below and apply today!