


Create or Join a FUNdraiser!

  • Want to help make a difference in the world?

  • Wish you were able to help other communities in need?

  • Have limited time or resources?

  • Want to raise money to help fund our cause?

If you answered yes to any or all the questions above, then FUNdraising is for you! We wouldn’t be able to accomplish any of our goals if we lack the funds to execute a project or event. That’s where YOU come in! Droplet wouldn’t be the same today without our generous donors.

If you don’t have the funds yourself to make a contribution, you can always start a fundraiser to help the cause. We know you have a lot of amazing and creative ideas stored in that brain of yours and we can’t wait for you to come up with something ingenious to help out.

With that being said, don’t stress yourself out…that’s why this is called FUN-draising. You can always start out by requesting donations from friends and family members (that’s what we did when we first got started)! If you don’t know which idea you’d like to implement, you can always shoot us a message and we’d be glad to help you brainstorm! To help give you a start look at our list below on various fundraising techniques:


Time to Humbly Brag…

Completed your fundraiser and want to tell us all about it? We’d LOVE to hear and brag about what you were able to come up with, all the effort put in, and the amount of money you were able to raise!